
Acne is caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Typical manifestations are blackheads, boils or inflamed and festering rashes, redness of the skin and in some cases the formation of lesions.

This is a dermatological disease that can be treated very effectively. Appropriate treatment   helps to minimize the aesthetic consequences of this disease (scars, spots), as well as psychological discomfort and loss of self-confidence. The causes of acne are different. But it can be said simply that acne is caused by  closure of sebaceous hair follicles, which have an outlet on the surface of the skin. This is an overproduction of sebum, enlargement of the sebaceous glands. This increased sebum production is mostly caused by  increased levels of male sex hormones - androgens. These hormones appear at an increased level in young people during adolescence.

The formation of acne is intensified by the keratinization of sebaceous hair follicles. A so-called  comedon is formed in their mouths, which is also commonly called blackhead. The comedone closes the follicles and thus prevents the secretion of excess oil, which causes inflammation. Inflammation is also supported by the presence of skin bacteria.

Acne appears mainly on the face in the T-zone, neck, shoulders, chest or back. It is due to the highest density of said follicles.


The causes of acne are very diverse and individual for everyone. It is a combination of various factors. The main causes include:

- Increased hormonal activity or hormonal imbalance - these are the mentioned hormonal changes or fluctuations during adolescence, menstruation or pregnancy .

– Heredity and genetic predispositions.

– Multiplication of skin bacteria.

– Diet and drinking regime - wrong eating habits, inappropriately chosen diet, lack of fiber, probiotics and vitamins contribute to the formation of acne

If I want to deal with acne and achieve results, it is necessary to adjust our diet, hormonal balance and choose suitable products for skin treatment. Products should contain soothing and healing substances, for example colloidal silver or fish collagen. Let's not forget that acne-prone skin must be cleaned in the morning even in the evening.


Larens Biopeptidové sérum 250 ml, hydratace, hydratácia, akné, po slnení, slunění, Biopeptide serum
Larens DERMO FACE CREAM 50 ml, Krém na citlivou, citlivú a problematickou, problematickú pleť
Larens Biopeptidové sérum 150 ml, k hydratácii, hydrataci, akné, po slnení, sluňení, Biopeptide serum
Larens Repair gel 100 ml, kolagenový gel, regenerační, regeneračné a hojivé účinky




5 items to display
Larens Biopeptidové sérum 250 ml, hydratace, hydratácia, akné, po slnení, slunění, Biopeptide serum

Biopeptide serum for the whole family, for hydration, acne, after sunbathing, shaving, soothes minor injuries and stings.

Larens Dermo Wash Face & Body 200 ml, péče, starostlivosť o citlivú, citlivou pokožku, akné

Daily care for sensitive skin prone to acne.

Larens DERMO FACE CREAM 50 ml, Krém na citlivou, citlivú a problematickou, problematickú pleť

Cream for sensitive and problematic skin

Larens Biopeptidové sérum 150 ml, k hydratácii, hydrataci, akné, po slnení, sluňení, Biopeptide serum

Biopeptide serum for the whole family, for hydration, acne, after sunbathing, shaving, soothes minor injuries and stings.

Larens Repair gel 100 ml, kolagenový gel, regenerační, regeneračné a hojivé účinky

Collagen gel that has regenerative and healing effects.

5 items total